The discrete design, protection, and comfort offered by the ProtechDry®-underwear enables you to regain confidence in all aspects of your daily life.

The discrete design, protection, and comfort offered by the ProtechDry®-underwear enables you to regain confidence in all aspects of your daily life.
"I had spent hundreds of dollars on underwear before I found your product. ProtechDry is the very best product for light to moderate incontinence. It feels totally natural and works completely"
"Of course for a man, it is complicated and sad to have this problem. And now it is like I never had anything. I even forget about it!"
"I had to wear pads every day, but now I can go a whole day with ProtechDry® odorless and dry at all times."
The ProtechDry® patented technology has been tested by different accredited institutions. Laboratory tests have confirmed the efficacy of ProtechDry® in terms of liquid absorption and complete neutralization of odors.
Four layer absorbent area patented by ProtechDry®, can retain up to 3 oz. of liquid without any contact between the urine and the skin.